What’s going on with our logo.

 When we first started our business, we weren’t taking it seriously at all. It kinda hit us when, for fun, we asked our cousin Garrin Yabuta for assistance in designing a logo. Knowing once we got that established, then it’ll start to get REAL! 😂

And so it flourish into the coolest design ever. The design and colors were out together like a masterpiece of art. Though it might look simple, there’s a bunch of hidden meanings behind it. And they are:

  • The teal color comes from my favorite team the Miami Dolphins
  • The tan color represents the earthy desert feel of our new homeland 
  • The Shaka hand represents the Aloha that is being shared with the people of Arizona 
  • The name ShakAZ was thought of at the spur of the moment. It pays homage to both where we come from as well as our new home, Arizona. And it’s the coolest play on words, don’t you think! And Grindz of course is for the comfort food products we offer. 
  • The bolts permeating out of the word ‘ShakAZ’ below it symbolizes the beautiful sunrises and sunsets found at both our current and former homes.
  • The abbreviated states HI and AZ are situated in diamonds, one of our favorite gemstones, #iykyk!
  • Lastly, the big and bold saguaro is located in the second A of ShakAZ. It represents strength and nourishment. 
Please be on the lookout for my merchandise posting as I wanted to spread our name through our merch and it’s something for us to be proud of and just cool to wear!


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